
Integrated Ventures (INTV) Stock Gains Further Momentum on Earnings

On Friday, Integrated Ventures Inc (OTCMKTS:INTV) was on the move on Friday after the company announced its financial results for the fiscal third quarter that ended on March 31, 2021.

The stock jumped by as much as 7% and is likely to come into the radar of plenty of investors over the coming days. In the quarter, the company managed to generate revenues of $696805, which is the highest in its history. In the prior-year period, Integrated Ventures had brought in $130910 in revenues.

More importantly, the 432% year-on-year rise in revenues was accomplished without much of a rise in costs. The company spent $266897 in Q3 2021 against $261897 in the prior-year period. In addition to record revenues, the company also managed to generate record gross profits of $429908. In the prior-year period, Integrated had made a gross loss of $87710. Investors could consider keeping an eye on the stock in the coming days.