
Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) Stock Consolidates After The Recent Correction

When a company receives a significant order then it is almost always regarded as a major development and that was the case with Ozop Energy Solutions (OTCMKTS:OZSC) when it got an order for 10 electric vehicle charging stations.

The announcement was made on May 21 but the Ozop Energy stock has traded within a range over the course of the recent days. The charging stations are supposed to be installed at the Bical Auto Mall dealerships that are located in Brooklyn, New York.

The installations are part of a larger project named NeoGrid Modular Network for which Bical is currently awaiting a patent. The total order is worth as much as $600000 but Bical had placed the initial order worth $80000 back in February through the fully owned subsidiary company Ozop Energy Systems. The stock maybe trading in a range but it might be a good move for investors to keep an eye on the latest news in relation to Ozop Energy Solutions.