Green Globe International (GGII) Stock Falls Despite New Patent Application
Green Globe International Inc (OTCMKTS: GGII) fell 14% on Wednesday despite the breaking story of filing a patent application for Cigarette Filter Infusion Technology. The technology is aimed at tobacco, hemp cigarettes, herb, and cannabis. The patent aims at processes and systems for infusing smokable filters with aromas and flavorings for a better customer experience.
This new infusion technology combines future technologies and existing ones to offer unique cigarette products. This technology enables GGII to infuse different herbal smoking blends with terpenoids, especially in cannabis cigarettes, to enhance the therapeutic effects associated with these blends.
With this technology, the company aims to create an extensive portfolio of hemp cigarettes and functional herbs by infusing them with functions, aromas, and flavors. This is the in-house technology, which the company’s R&D team has created. While FDA already bans the Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars in California, the company’s hemp cigarettes in pineapple, mango, and other flavors can be an exclusive alternative.